Thursday, January 15

What's It Like To Be Us Today

Did we further our character and grow our faith?
Noticed a "few" attitudes early in the a.m. and got out the Proverbs for Parenting.  Added verses on a love for correction to our daily Bible read aloud, cleaned my house, taught my children, loved my husband, reviewed a Bible study to lead for my church, researched young leaders in the Bible for my husband's church report. 
Prayed for....
my husband, my Compassion Childen, my pastor, my friends, my children, myself, and Baraq Obama, and my littlest - please make him WANT to use that potty.
What happened in the kitchen?
Cereal for breakfast with blueberries and grapes, fried chicken and green beans for lunch, AND two pots of soup in the cold garage to reheat. I’d made an extra cornmeal mix yesterday, so that was ready too! A little planning goes a long way.
How did we learn?
Central America mapwork, read about the Mayan civilization, math, vocabulary with crosswords and sentence writing, cursive and handwriting for all, why do birds molt, Bible first of course - Psalm 23 and those Proverbs - later Timothy. One practiced piano and both read for at least an hour. Is journalling a subject? one asked.
What do we see?
Snow, snow everywhere. We never left the house, but did choose to get dressed today. (Okay, that was MY idea.)  I added a summer memories picture because as I shoveled 14 inches of snow off my back sidewalk I thought of my plants WAY under there.
What do we hear?
Thump, thump, on the basement stairs and a little boy voice, “Mom, I need a wittle help down here.” (How many times today?... 10) Late at night - "Thump" again... the same kid fell out of bed.
Any revelations?
My children really want to be a blessing to others. I must be careful not to sour them with my own attitude. Pour some sugar on it, honey!
Attitude check...
Fixed it early.  Challenged to keep everybody moving and remind them that morning choices have afternoon consequences.  
Laughed at...
A real "Jack" in the box. 
I’m happy that...
I see God in so many things and he blesses our days.  My husband loves God. My children smile a lot more than they did a month ago and snow is so pretty!
I am thankful for...
those who led the homeschooling movement, because without them, I’d miss the hugs, the smiles, the opportunity to hear so many encouraging words today... and the note passing... that was the best today. In school, we got in trouble for notes. Today I saw a note my oldest passed a note to his brother. It said in big letters, “I LOVE YOU JON!”

1 comment:

nomore said...

I have an award for you at my blog! You don't have to participate if you should not want to, but I'd love for you to still visit :O)
Love & hugs, In Christ, Deanna