Friday, April 16

What I Learned From My Weeds

It’s gardening season again! In the last week we have all been manually pulling weeds in all of our vegetable beds and lawn.  It seems impossible to keep up on them all.   Yes, we could just spread herbicides, but there's enough trying to poison my kids lives without me adding more.

As I weed and hoe there is a lot of quiet time for reflecting.  Gardening is my favorite way to see how God has given creation great freedom, but has also given us a lot of choice in how we exercise that freedom.  We have free will, but through the exercise of allowing God to prune us, we can have fewer personal weeds rearing their ugly heads each season and greater fruit in our ministry to our families and others.

Unless we’re dead, we each have weeds in our lives.  I am looking forward to gardening in heaven and praying that’s my job, since their will be NO invasive species there.  At our house, we enjoy squirrels, and they can teach us a lot about the weeds in our lives.  Like many people, squirrels are funny and entertain us all through the year.  As a gardener, I have learned a lot from squirrels.  They are not so different from us in our natural, sinful state.  Both species, humans and squirrels, face temptation daily.  What is squirrel temptation? Corn in the feeder.  Corn is like squirrel idolatry.  Even if corn makes the squirrel feel good, there is a consequence to the rest of us, weeds.   As a result, I don’t put that temptation in front of the squirrel because he then becomes a burden to the rest of us.

Sometimes we humans think that our sins are harmless, part of our human nature, but to God they are really a nuisance.  I know feel better thinking that that little screw up is forgiven; and hope that it hasn't really hurt anyone in the long run. 

In the bigger picture of our lives, God has great things He wants to do through us, but we sometimes refuse to pull the weeds until it takes a spade to get under a 12” root, disrupting all the plantings around it!  The weeds that we refuse to pull (or ignore) as we walk, claiming to know Him, inflict damage, whether we acknowledge it or not.  There are seeds of damage that often take years to germinate and show their fruit.  Sometimes we sow the same bad seed every day! When the fruit shows itself we say, "I wonder where THAT came from?" Seldom at the harvest time will we connect that we planted them so diligently.  There is no greater influence on our children’s understanding of living for Christ than our daily LIFE gardening habits.

“Search me O God and know my heart; try me and know my thoughts.  And see if there be ANY wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” (Psalm 139:22-24)

If we are new creatures in Christ we need to say this daily.  The weeds of sin have deep roots and spread out of our yards to others.  As people drive by or live with us, they see them and form opinions about us AND the Jesus we say we follow.  Do we want people damaged because of our actions?  What affect can a wrong motive have or a laugh at the expense of someone else? Can we hide from God? When we go out in public and lack self-control and love in our words, behavior, and actions, we do so still wearing the name Christian.  Perhaps that person who is laughed at or hurt will one day join a small group looking for hope. Will they respect our leadership after having encountered us in an out of control moment?  Sure, we all have out of control moments now and then, but when let them become habits or something that give us pleasure - there is a deep root that needs to be pulled.
But can’t God work through any situation?  Sure, he CAN, but when we commit any of the things He calls sin, it is not to His glory. 
What is your temptation in life?  Maybe I need to say it this way; what is tolerated, fun or pleasurable for you that is not God pleasing.  In what circumstance do you do things that you know fails to bring God glory?  I know I don’t put corn out for the squirrels anymore.  They are like us in the milk stage of faith; they fall for it every time.  If we walk in the Spirit, we will remove the “corn” from our lives and we will become mature, people God can use every day.  We’ll find all our needs met in Him, not in money, television, liquor, recognition, men or whatever our crutch USED to be.  It is then, that God will be able to lead us beyond the imaginable to the truly joyful.

Is this optional? We have to hold each other accountable.  If you don't have an accountability partner, you need one.  I have freed friends to let me know if I'm off the path in any way.  They are often more merciful than I deserve, but I rely on them to challenge me.  I don't want to be responsible for scattering instead of gathering!  There is no verse that holds me more accountable than the one below.  You may lead a ministry in your church, or you may be one of the most influential leaders of all, a parent.  Whatever role you feel God has called us to, you and I need to weed the garden regularly to be able to do God’s work as He expects it to be done.  He will enable us to do whatever he asks of us! 

1 Timothy 3
 1Here is a trustworthy saying: If anyone sets his heart on being an overseer,[a] he desires a noble task. 2Now the overseer must be above reproach, the husband of but one wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, 3not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. 4He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him with proper respect. 5(If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God's church?) 6He must not be a recent convert, or he may become conceited and fall under the same judgment as the devil. 7He must also have a good reputation with outsiders, so that he will not fall into disgrace and into the devil's trap.

Thursday, April 15

Are We Guided by the Spirit or Ruled by our Emotions?

Today was like many days in my life. I had goals, a list, I was encouraged, then disappointed, and once in a while I struggled with self-control.  The familiar realization appeared again that I was not and could not be in control of all the many things I had been given to accomplish.  Praise God that He saves me daily from having solitary control over ANYthing.  After taking time to allow Him to shape my attitude He corrected my way of thinking and I found the way to a positive outcome.  Have you had those days?  They are the days that you realize that you are not able to hide anything from God.  When He says He needs to be Lord of our lives, he means in all areas.  One phrase that was a great catalyst in my understanding of God's desire for my life is 2 Corinthians 10:4-6,
4 (for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but mighty before God to the casting down of strongholds),
 5 casting down imaginations, and every high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God, and bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ;
 6 and being in readiness to avenge all disobedience, when your obedience shall be made full.
Daily the question enters my mind, "How am I going to do my best today to lead my children and others around me to in a faithful way?" What am I exalting above the knowledge of God?  Man's wisdom? My will? Chocolate? I can talk to my kids about God each day, which I do, but if I show them that those things are words with no power behind them, I know they will not see God's  ways as the answers to the problems in their lives.

Girls, we can sometimes be emotional - Do socks on the floor bug you? Do crumbs make you boil? Are there whiskers in your sink? Do you play with toys or curse them as you trip over them?  I'll hit you deeper - has your child ever complained about your plan for the day, one you've spent time praying and planning for, or grumbled again about the blessing of piano lessons?  It's those little things that Satan likes to jab me with on a daily basis, so the above verse is a lifeline to me.  Our weapons are NOT of the flesh or of this world.  Wine and chocolate and me time will not make me happier and will not lead to inner joy.   I must be obedient in the ways God has shown me, even when Satan tells me my efforts are fruitless.  I do not serve a God who is not there to back me up on the job he has given me!  Secondly, I have no hope of not falling into a heap on the floor and sobbing on a regular basis without the Spirit to remind me, moment-by-moment, that I need to bring every thought into the obedience of Christ.

Last night this topic of emotional health came up in the women's study I'm facilitating.  The author of our study guide said that if we choose to walk by the Spirit we will come under His control in even in our emotional responses.  "Of course that's TRUE," I thought, "but how can we accomplish this mindset?"  It sounded like magic in the book, but the author mistakenly assumed that saying it would make it so.  Why?  Because we don't all take the time to know what walking in the Spirit is before we expect it to work! It takes devotion and intention to reach this place.  Sure, we can be saved and forgiven, but we can also just snooze in that place, do a few good deeds, attend church regularly and even serve others - all without every really letting Jesus be Lord (which means Master) of our lives.

The good news is that walking in the Spirit does produce results that really ARE miraculous.  The question arose,  "Are we willing to let go of a few things and get uncomfortable on the way there?" Remember when Jesus said we had to take up our cross and follow Him?  Oooh, that applies to everyone? Wasn't that just for missionaries, ministers and leaders?  No, I'm afraid that if we read that verse above from Corinthians it holds us all to a pretty high standard.  Every thought?  Can it be?

Well, the group comprised a list of the things that we needed to do regularly to continue to walk in the Spirit.  I think it's safe to say that when you are in a group of women and you propose a way avoid reacting emotionally about the stones in the road of life, you'll gather some interest.   The list below may not be exhaustive, but these things are part of walking in the Spirit.  We decided that we would check this list regularly to see if we were lacking in an area when we felt off balance.   I hope it will be helpful as a checklist to you too.  Before you go, check the link to the daily read by Oswald Chambers.  (Daily Read) When it rains it pours and as I read this to my kids tonight, I couldn't help but see that God really hammers the message in when we are available to listen.  Sad that I need to have it hammered in, but I'm thankful none the less.

How Do We Continue in the Spirit?  A guide...
  • Study
  • Solitude (with God, not running from a situation, but running TO Him)
  • Sermons
  • Guard your heart and your mind
  • Balance in your day
  • Care for your physical and mental health
  • Seek God directly (before asking friends for advice)
  • Prayer (some talking, more listening)
  • Find a mentor or someone who challenges you spiritually and connect regularly
  • Pray to have a heart and eyes like God.  Look at others as He does.
  • Do good works regularly
  • Confess your sins to one another so that you may be healed
  • Christian music (Music is a powerful influence!)
  • Allow yourself to be held accountable to Christian friends (or that mentor)
  • Be humble
  • Be willing to let God search your heart and know your mind for anything against His will
  • When convicted, take action
  • Expect God to move
  • Keep a prayer journal, record answered prayers and read them for encouragement
  • Fast - obedience and devotion are powerful  
  • Do not seek comfort in then world.  God is able to meet all your needs.
Thanks for holding me accountable!   Feel free to comment or email me any additions to this list.  The beauty of Christian women is that they are eager to keep each other on the road up the mountain.  Is it all worth it?  YES! Have you ever climbed a mountain and then sat on the top? You know your worked hard to get there, but when you look out you see things as you never have before.  You are awed by the vast beauty of creation in front of you and you celebrate that the moment is special.  Now that you are on top of it, you have the authority to say to it MOVE!
Therefore, (A)confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be (B)healed (C)The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much. (James 5:16)