"Sometimes we try to push Jesus onto people rather than love them to Christ. When I was a new Christian I was pretty zealous and it made people feel guilty and convicted, but NOT loved. Think of loving her to Christ. Show her understanding, like Jesus showed the woman who washed his feet. Show her mercy - sometime when you'd really like to punish her just tell her, "You know, God knows the best way for us to live, and because he loves us he tells us the way to go to be happy. Sometimes we don't choose it. We make mistakes. You know I've made a lot of those and I"m thankful every day that God shows me mercy. I'm showing you mercy today, because I know how it feels to need it. It's not going to happen every time, because I need to teach you how to live God's way. That's my job. But this time. I love you and I forgive you. " I don't think there is a better way to explain God's love for us to a kid who's fearing punishment, punishment like WE ourselves deserve."
(However, I do have high expectations of my kids and expect them to show this mercy to others too.)
1 comment:
I love this post!
While I am a firm believer in Christ.... sometimes I just want to rattle off scripture to my kids when they misbehave, but I don't.... I mean sometimes I will use scripture (that's when I'm smart enough to pull them out of my memory while in the 'moment')but in a loving mannor as to be an encouragement.... but I strive to be very careful not to "push" my kids away by thinking that God is all about rule following and breaking them are great big "no-no's" and that grace and mercy are rare things.... I'd rather disipline/love them as I 'point/show' them to Christ!
Great post! I loved it!
In Him, Deanna
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