Tuesday, October 21

McCain or Obama to Address Homeschooling?

Hello ?? Is anybody listening? Is Mike Huckabee the last person in this election to mention homeschooling rights? I've checked with the official websites, with the blogs and heard the speeches, but nowhere do I find reassurance that we can count on either one of these candidates to respect the rights of parents to homeschool their children.

I've emailed John McCain and will next email Mr. Obama. A fellow blogger "spunkyhomeschool" wondered with me. Where is our representation? Perhaps they don't want to add one more issue to an already crowded debate, but I can't pity them for that. How many homeschoolers would it take to have an affect on an election? It is not easy to count the number of homeschooling families in America. The Institute for Educational Sciences estimated there were 1.1 million children homeschooled in 2003, five years ago. The numbers grow continually as parents' choices of curriculum and options increase and their wariness of public, institutional indoctrination in our schools grows stronger. Could that change the outcome of an election? Perhaps the popular vote.. I remember a close call in the last election. Can you say "recount"?

Comments welcome and information would be appreciated. Leave me a link if you find an answer. Who will be the first to commit to voting for homeschooling in America, McCain or Obama?

Update: 10/22/08

Here's an article telling what an Obama education looks like. The title of the article "Homeschooling Will Explode Under Obama" simply meant that if this is what education looks like under Obama, homeschooling will greatly increase. Connect to the article to see what a "social justice school" is and more interesting views on education mixed with social issues.


Anonymous said...


Anne said...

NPR to the rescue! Per this article, both candidates mention homeschooling favorably as a viable option.
